New Name: Willow Springs Counseling was formerly Wellspring Counseling. Read about it →

How to Find a Good Counselor

In my over 20 years of counseling, I have had many conversations with people looking for a good counselor.

How do you find a counselor that is right for you?

Here are the top 3 areas I encourage people to explore as they consider this.

1. What principles and values guide how they think about relationships and growth?

There are many theories in which to consider human behavior, development and change.

In addition, counselors bring their own set of values that help them attach significance and suggest tools that move clients towards responsibility, hope and growth.

Because of this, it is important to consider what underlying values are important to you and ask prospective counselors to explain what values and theories guide thunderstanding of human behavior and change.

2. How much experience do they have working with what you need?

You can typically find areas of specialty under a counselor’s (or therapist’s) bio.

But, these specialties often stay pretty general and may require further inquiry.

For example, just because they specialize in “loss” does not mean they have walked women through the process of healing from miscarriage.

So, specifically ask, “Have you counseled women working through pregnancy loss?” and “How much experience do you have with this?”

An experienced counselor will be able to identify characteristics unique to an individual from characteristics that are specific to a particular issue like pregnancy loss.

This expertise allows a counselor to assess all that is needed and individualize a plan specific for each person.

3. Would you be willing to offer a brief phone consultation for me to ask you a few questions related to my needs and the work you do?

If you think it would be helpful to interact with a prospective counselor initially about your concerns, then ask for this.

Counseling is a big investment that requires money, time and courage.

Often, a few minutes of consultation can offer you a feel for if this counselor is the right fit for you.

A good counselor will make time for this as they understand the importance of the therapeutic relationship and the vulnerable nature of this work.

Finally, the Willow Springs Counseling team welcomes your questions as we want you to find the best fit for you!